- Configuring list Throttling
- Enabling Filestream and Provisioning the RBS Data Store
- Installing RBS on All Sharepoint Web and Application Servers
- Configuring the BLOB Size Threshold for RBS
- Configuring Managed Metadata
A. 1. Configuring List Throttling
A. 1. 1. Create a computer inventory list
1. Log on to SP2010-WFE1 as CONTOSO\SP_Admin, with the its password.
2. Start Windows Internet Explorer.
3. In the address bar, type http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/IT, and then press ENTER.
The Information Technology site opens.
4. Click Site Actions, and then click More Options.
5. In the Filter By panel, click Blank & Custom
6. Click Custom List.
7. In the Name box, type Computer Inventory
8. Click Create.
The list is created with the URL http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/IT/Lists/ComputerInventory
9. Click the List tab, and then click List Settings
10. Click Title, description and navigation
11. In the Name box, type Computer inventory, with a space.
12. Click Save.
13. In the navigation breadcrumb, click Computer Inventory
14. Click the List tab, and then click Create Column.
The Create Column page opens.
15. In the Column name box, type Computer Name, and then click OK.
16. Click the List tab, and then click Create Column
The Create Column page opens.
17. In the Column name box, type Serial Number, and then click OK.
A. 1. 2. Configure least privilege rights to manage Sharepoint using Windows PowerShell
1. Click Start, click All programs, click Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Products, hold down the SHIFT key and right-click Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell, and then click Run as different user.
2. Enter the user name CONTOSO\Administrator and its password, and then click OK.
3. Type the following command, and then press ENTER
4. Close the Windows PowerShell window.
A. 1. 3. Create a large list using Windows Powershell
1. Open Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell
2. To create 4,000 items in the new list, type the following commands
$site = Get-SPSite "http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/IT"
$web = $site.rootweb
$list = $web.Lists["Computer Inventory"]
$i = 1
do {
#add item
$newitem = $list.items.Add()
$newitem["Title"] = "Client-"+$i.ToString().PadLeft(4,"0");
$newitem["Computer Name"] = "Client-"+$i.TOString).PadLeft(4, "0");
$newitem["Serial Number"] = $i.ToString().PadLeft(8, "0");
while ($i -le 4000)
You can watch the progress of the script by refreshing the Computer Inventory list page in the IT Web.
A. 1. 4. Observe the list view threshold
1. Switch to Internet Explorer.
2. Click the List tab, and then click List Settings.
3. Verify that the List view threshold message indicates that the list contains 4,000 items,
4. In the navigation breadcrumb, click Computer Inventory
A. 1. 5. Add items to exceed the list threshold
1. Switch to Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell.
2. To creae 5,000 additional items in the Computer Inventory list, type the following commands:
$site = Get-SPSite "http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/IT"
$web = $site.rootweb
$list = $web.Lists["Computer Inventory"]
$i = 4001
do {
#add item
$newitem = $list.items.Add()
$newitem["Title"] = "Client-"+$i.ToString().PadLeft(4,"0");
$newitem["Computer Name"] = "Client-"+$i.TOString).PadLeft(4, "0");
$newitem["Serial Number"] = $i.ToString().PadLeft(8, "0");
while ($i -le 9000)
You can watch the progress of the script by refreshing the Computer Inventory list page in the IT Web.
A. 1. 6. Experience list throttling
1. Switch to Internet Explorer
2. Press F5 to refresh the Computer Inventory list.
3. Click the List tab, and then click List Settings.
4. Verify that the List view threshold message indicates that the list contains 9,000 items,
5. In the Permissions and Management section, click Delete this list.
A confirmation dialog appears.
6. Click OK.
An Error page appears that indicates the operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold.
7. Click Go back to site.
8. In the Quick Launch, click Computer Inventory
9. Point at the Title column header, and then click the drop-down arrow that appears.
A message appears: Cannot show the value of the filter. The field may not be filterable, or the number of items returned exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator.
10. Click OK.
A. 1. 7. Configure list throttling
1. Open Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration.
The User Account Control dialog appears.
2. Click Yes.
3. In the Application Management section, click Manage Web applications.
The Web Application Management page opens.
4. Click Sharepoint - Intranet.contoso.com80
5. On the ribbon, click the General Settings drop down arrow, and then click Resource Throttling.
The Resource Throttling page opens.
6. In the List View Threshold box, type 10000, and then click OK.
7. Switch to the instance of Internet Explorer that displays the Computer Inventory list.
8. Press F5 to refresh the page
9. Point at the Title column header, and then click the drop-down arrow that appears.
10. Verify that the Show Filter Choices command is now available
11. Switch to Central Administration.
12. Click Sharepoint-intranet.contoso.com80
13. On the ribbon, click the General Settings drop-down arrow, and then click Resource Throttling
14. In the List View Threshold box, type 7000
15. Select the Enable a daily time window for large queries check box.
16. In the Start time list, select 11pm
17. In the Duration list, select 5 hours, and then click OK
18. Switch to the instance of Internet Explorer that displays the Computer Inventory list.
19. Click the List tab, and then click List Settings
20. Verify that the List view threshold is 7000.
A. 2. Enabling FILESTREAM and Provisioning the RBS Data Store
A. 2. 1. Enable FILESTREAM on the computer running SQL Server
1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, click Configuration Tools, hold down the SHIFT key and right-click SQL Server Configuration Manager, and then click Run as different user.
The Window Security dialog appears.
2. In the User name box, type CONTOSO\Administrator. In the Password box, type [its password]. Then, click OK.
3. SQL Server Services
4. Right-click SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER), and then click Properties
5. Click FILESTREAM tab.
6. Select the Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL access check box.
7. Select the Enable FILESTREAM for file I/O streaming access check box.
8. Select the Allow remote clients to have streaming access to FILESTREAM data check box, and then click OK.
9. Close SQL Server Configuration Manager
10. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, hold down the SHIFT key and right-click SQL Server management Studio, and then click Run as different user.
The Window Security dialog appears.
11. In the User name box, type CONTOSO\Administrator. In the Password box, type [password]. Then, click OK.
12. Confirm that the Server name is SP2010-WFE1, and then click Connect.
13. In Object Explorer, right-click SP2010-WFE1, and then click Properties.
14. In the Select a page section, click Advanced.
15. Click Filestream Access Level, click the drop-down arrow, and then click Full access enabled. Click OK.
A message appears indicating that you must restart Microsoft SQL Server. Click OK.
16. In Object Explorer, right-click SP2010-WFE1, and then click Restart.
A Confirmation dialog appears
17. Click Yes.
A. 2. 2. Provision a BLOB Store
1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, expand Databases, and then click WSS_Content_Intrant_IT.
2. Click the New Query button on the toolbar.
The Query Editor opens a new query in the details pane.
3. To set the database master key, type the following query into the Query Editor:
use [WSS-Content_Intranet_IT]
if not exists (select * from sys.symmetric_keys where name = N'##MS_DatabaseMasterKey##')create master key encryption by password = N'Master Key [adminpassword] '4. Click the Execute button on the toolbar.
5. Click the New Query button on the toolbar.
The Query Editor opens a new query in the details pane.
6. Enable a new filegroup for your Remote BLOB Storage (RBS) provider, type the following query into the Query Editor:
if not exists (select groupname from sysfilegroups where groupname=N'RBSFilestreamProvider')alter database [WSS_Content_Intranet_IT]
add filegroup RBSFilestreamProvider contains filestream7. Click the Execute button on the toolbar.
8. Click the New Query button on the toolbar.
The Query Editor opens a new query in the details pane.
9. To add a file system mapping for your RBS Provider, type the following query into the Query Editor:
alter database [WSS_Content_Intranet_IT] add file (name = RBSFilestreamFile, filename = 'c:\Blobstore') to filegroup RBSFilestreamProvider'
10. Click the Execute button on the toolbar.
A. 3. Installing RBS on ALl Sharepoint Web and Application Servers
A. 3. 1. Install RBS on the first Web Server
1. Click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator
The User Account Control dialog appears.
2. Click Yes.
3. Type the following commands, and then press ENTER:
cd d:\labfiles\lab04
d:4. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
msiexec /qn /lvx* rbs_install_log1.txt /i RBS.msi TRUSTSERVERCERTIFICATE=true FILEGROUP=PRIMARY DBNAME="WSS_Content_Intranet_IT" DBINSTANCE="SP2010-WFE1" FILESTREAMFILEGROUP=RBSFilestreamProvider FILESTREAMSTORENAME=FilestreamProvider_1
5. Wait one minute for the operation to complete.
A. 3. 2. Confirm the installation of RBS
1. Open the D:\rbs_install_log1.txt file.
2. Confirm that you see the following line within the last 20 lines of the end of the file.
Product: SQL Server 2008 R2 remote Blob Store -- Installation completed successfully.
3. Close rbs_install_log1
4. Switch to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
5. In Object Explorer, right-click the root node SP2010-WFE1, and then click refresh.
6. Expand Databases, expand WSS_Content_Intranet_IT, and then expand Tables
7. Verify that several tables exist with names that begin with the letters mssqlrbs.
8. Close SQL Server Management Studio. When prompted to save changes, click No.
A. 3. 3. Enable RBS for a content database
1. Switch to Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell
2. To enable RBS in a specific content database, type the following commands:
$cdb = Get-SPContentDatabase "WSS_Content_Intranet_IT"
$rbss = $cdb.RemoteBlobStoragesettings
A. 3. 4. Test the RBS provider
1. Open the C:\BlobStore folder
A message appears indicating that you need permission to access the folder
2. Click Continue.
The BLOBStore folder opens
3. Observer the number of items in the folder.
4. Open Internet Explorer
5. In the address bar, type http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/IT, and then press ENTER
6. In the Quick Launch, click Shared Documents
7. Click Add document
8. Click Browse
9. Navigate to the D:\ folder, select rbs_install_log1, and then click Open. Click OK.
10. Switch to the Windows Explorer window showing the Blobstore folder
11. Observe that a new folder has been added to the Blobstore folder.
12. Open the folder with the most recent modified date, open the folder inside, and then open the file with the most recent modified date.
13. Examine the contents of the file to verify that this is the rbs_install_log1 file.
14. Close Notepad.
A. 4. Configuring the BLOB Size Threshold for RBS
A. 4. 1. Configure the minimum BLOB Storage size
1. Switch to Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell
2. To configure the MinimumBlobStorageSize property to 1 Megabyte (Mbyte), type the following commands:
$cdb = Get-SPContentDatabase "WSS_Content_Intranet_IT"
$rbss + $cdb.RemoteBlobstorageSettings
$rbss.MinimumBlobStorageSize = 1048576
A. 4. 2. Validate the behavior of minimum BLOB Storage size
1. Switch to Internet Explorer
2. Click Add Document
3. Click Browse
4. Navigate to the D:\ folder, select Sharepoint_2010_Walkthrough_Guide.pdf, and then click Open. Click OK.
5. Click Add Document
6. Click Browse
7. Navigate to the D:\ folder, select Sharepoint_2010_Datasheet.pdf, and then click Open. Click OK.
8. Switch to the Windows Explorer window showing the Blobstore folder
9. Verify that a new file representing Sharepoint_2010_Walkthrough_Guide.pdf has appeared, and observer its Date modified.
10. Verify that there is not a file representing Datasheet.pdf with a Date modifed after the date of Sharepoint_2010_Walkthrough_Guide.pdf
11. Close all open applications and windows.
B. 1. Configuring and Implementing Managed Metadata
B. 1. 1. Assign Term Store Administrators
1. Open Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration
The User Account Control dialog appears.
2. Click OK.
3. In the Application Management section, click Manage service applications.
4. Click the Managed Metadata Service link.
The Term Store Management Tool opens
5. In the Term Store Administrators box, type CONTOSO\SP_admin
6. Click Save.
B. 1. 2. Create a group, a term set, and terms
1. Under Taxonomy Term Store, point at Managed Metadata Service, click the drop-down arrow that appears, and then click New Group
2. Type Organization, and then press ENTER
3. Point at Organization, click the drop-down arrow, and the click New Term Set.
4. Type Department, and then press ENTER
5. Point at Department, click the drop-down arrow, and then click Create Term
6. Type Marketing, and then press Enter
7. Type Finance, and then press Enter
8. Type IT, and then press ENTER
9. Type Sales, and then press ENTER
B. 1. 3. Add a managed metadata column to a list
1. Open a new tab in Internet Explorer
2. In the address bar, type http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/IT, and then press ENTER
3. In the Quick Launch, click All Site Content
4. Click Create
5. Click Custom list
6. In the Name box, type SupportRequests
7. Click Create
8. Click the List tab, and then click Create Column
9. In the Column name box, type User Name, and then click OK.
10. Click the List tab, and then click Create Column.
11. In the Column Name box, type Department
12. In the list of column types, click Managed Metadata.
13. In the Term Set Settings section, expand Managed Metadata Service, expand Organization, and then click Department, click OK.
14. Click the List tab, and then click Create Column
15. In the Column name box, type Request Type
16. In the list of column types, click Managed Metadata
17. In the Term Set Settings section, click Customize your term set.
18. Click Edit Using Term Set Manager
A message box appears
19. Click OK.
The Term Store Management Tool opens in a new window.
20. Confirm that Submission Policy is configured as Open.
21. Close Term Store Management Tool
B. 1. 4. add items with managed metadata
1. Click the Items tab, and then click New item.
2. In the Title box, type Create a new account for Andy Ruth
3. In the User Name box, type AndyR
4. In the Department box, type Fin.
The suggestions list appears and display Finance.
5. Press ENTER to accept the suggestions.
6. in the Request Type box, type New User, and then press Enter.
New User is displayed with a red, dashed underline. This indicates that the term does not exist.
7. Click the Browse for a valid choice button next to the Request Type box.
8. Click Add New item
9. Type New User, and then press ENTER
10. Click Select, and then click OK.
11. Click Save.
12. Repeat the steps in this task to create the following support requests.
B. 1. 5. Configure metadata navigation
1. Click the List tab, and then click List Settings.
2. In the General Settings section, click Metadata navigation settings
3. In the Available Hierarchy Fields list, click Department, and then click Add.
4. In the Available Hierarchy Fields list, click request type, and then click Add.
5. In the Selected Hierarchy Fields list, click Folders, and then click remove, click OK.
6. In the Quick Launch, click SupportRequests
7. Observe the tree view below the Quick Launch.
8. Click the terms in the Department, and Request Type term sets to filter the list.