Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Installing and Configuring Sharepoint 2010

Create Active Directory Accounts

1. Log on to SP2010-WFE1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password
2. On SP2010-WFE1, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and the click Active Directory Users and Computers.
3. Expand contoso.com, and then click Sharepoint.
4. Right-click Sharepoint, point to New, and then click User.
    a. In the Full name box, type Sharepoint Administrator.
    b. In the User logon name box, type SP_Admin.
    c. Click Next.
    d. In the Password and Confirm password boxes, type [yourownpassword].
    e. Clear the User must change password at next logon check box.
    f. Select the Password never expires check box.
    g. Click Next.
    h. Click Finish.
    i. Right-click Sharepoint Administrator, and then click Properties.
    j. In the Description box, type Sharepoint Administrator and Setup User.
    k. In the E-mail box, type SP_Admin@contoso.com
    l. Click OK.

5. Repeat steps a-l to create an account with the following configuration:
  • Full name: Sharepoint Farm Service
  • User logon name: SP_Farm
  • Description: Sharepoint Farm Service
  • Email: SP_Farm@contoso.com
6. Repeat steps a-l to create an account with the following configuration:
  • Full name: Sharepoint Service Applications
  • User logon name: SP_Service Apps
  • Description: Sharepoint Service Applications
  • Email: SP_ServiceApps@contoso.com
7. Close Active Directory Users and computers.

Create a SQL Server login for the Sharepoint Administrator

1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, hold the SHIFT key and right-click SQL Server Management Studio and then click Run as different user.
The Windows Security dialog box appears.

2. In the User name box, type CONTOSO\SQL_Admin.
3. In the Password box, type [yourownpassword]
4. Click OK.
    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio opens.
5. Click Connect.
6. Expand Security.
7. Right-click Logins, and then click New Login.
8. In the Login name box, type CONTOSO\SP_Admin.
9. In the Select a page panel, click Server Roles.
10. Select the dbcreator check box.
11. Select the securityadmin check box.
12. Click OK.
13. Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Delegate administration of the Sharepoint Server

1. In the taskbar, click Server Manager.
2. Expand Configuration, expand Local Users and Groups, and then click Groups.
3. In the details pane, double-click Administrators
4. Click Add.
5. In the Enter the object names to select box, type CONTOSO\SP_Admin, and then click OK.
6. Click OK
7. Close Server Manager.

Attempt to install Sharepoint Server prerequisites

1. Log on to SP2010-WFE1 as CONTOSO\SP_Admin with its password.
2. Open D:\Software\SharepointServer2010
3. Double-click default.hta.
The Sharepoint Server 2010 Start page opens.
4. Click Install software prerequisites.
The User Account Control dialog box appears.
5. Click Yes.
The Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Products Prepartion Tool appears.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement(s) check box.
8. Click Next.
The prerequisite Installer prepares the server.
The Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Products Prepartion Tool displays the message, There was an error during installation. A summary of prerequisite installation status is also displayed.

Identify prerequisite installation errors

1. Click Review the log file.
The Prerequisiteinstaller log file opens.

2. Press CTRL + F.
The Find dialog box appears.
3. Type 976462, and then click Find Next.
4. Observer the lines in the log file that indicate that the prerequisite installer checked for the existence of Hotfix for Microsoft Windows (KB976462)
5. Click Find Next.
6. Observe the lines in the log file that indicate the prerequisite installer attempted to download Hotfix for Microsoft Windows (KB976462) from microsoft.com. Observer the URL that was used.
You can use this URL to manually download the prerequisite.
7. Click Cancel, and the close the log file.
8. Click Finish in the Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Products Preparation Tool.

Copy Sharepoint Prerequisite Installation Files

1. Open D:\Software\Sharepoint Prerequisites.
2. To select all files in the folder, press CTRL+A
3. To copy all files, press CTRL+C
4. Open D:\Software\SharepointServer 2010\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles.
5. To paste al files, press CTRL+V

Script the installation of Sharepoint Server prerequisites

 1. Open Notepad.
2. Type the following, on one line, with spaces between each switch:

 /SQLNCli:PrerequisiteInstallerFiles\sqlncli.msi /ChartControl: PrerequisiteInstallerfiles\MSChart.exe


Alternately, you can copy the contents of the file,
D:\Labfiles\Lab01\Prerequisiteinstaller.Arguments.txt and paste it into your Notepad document.

3. Click File, and then click Save. The Save as dialog box appears.
4. Type: D:\Software\SharepointServer2010, and then press Enter. The SharepointServer2010 folder opens.
5. Type Prerequisiteinstaller.Arguments.txt, and then press Enter.
6. Close Notepad.
7. Start the Command Prompt, uing the Run as administrator option. The User Account Control dialog box appears.
8. Click Yes.
9. Type the following commands, each followed by ENTER:
CD Software\SharepointServer2010

The Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Products Preparation Tool appears.
In a production environment, you would also add the /unattended switch to the PrerequisiteInstaller.Arguments.text file to specify a silent, unattended installation of Sharepoint prerequsiites. An unattended installation will skip the Welcome page and the license agreement. 

10. Click Next.
11. Click I accept the terms of the License Agreement(s).
12. Click Next.
Sharepoint prerequisites are installed.
 13. On the Installation Complete page, confirm that installation completed successfully.
14. Click Finish/

Installing Sharepoint Server

1. In the SharepointServer2010 folder, double-click default.hta.
The Sharepoint Server 2010 Start page opens.
2. On the Sharepoint Server installation page, click Install Sharepoint Server. The User Account Control dialog box appears.
3. Click Yes.
4. Type 36BY2-DVVJY-6426X-PXWVQ-BM342, and then click Continue.
5. Select the I accept the terms of this agreement check box.
6. Click Continue.
7. Click Server Farm.
8. On the Server Type page, click Complete, and then click Install Now.
Installation proceeds for approximately 7-10 minutes.
9. On the Run Configuration Wizard page, clear the Run the Sharepoint Products Configuration Wizard now check box.
10. Click Close.
11. On the Sharepoint Installation page, click Exit.

Script the Installation of Sharepoint Server

1. Open D:\Software\SharepointServer2010\Files\SetupFarmSilent.
2. Right-click config.xml, and then click Edit.
3. Perform one of the following two tasks:
   a. Replace line 11- the PID elements - with the following line:
<PIDKEY Value="36BY2-DVV3Y-6426X-PXWVQ-BM342" />
Remove the comment tags, <!--- and -->
   b. Replace the the Display element with the following:
<Display AcceptEULA="yes"
              CompletionNotice="yes" />

In a production environment, you would leave the Display element with its default values (Level="none" and CompletionNtice="np} for a completely unattended installation.

4. Click File, and then click Save.
5. Click File, and then click Exit.
6. Start Command prompt using the Run as administrator option. The User Account Control dialog box appears.
7. Click Yes.
8. Type the following command on one line, and then press ENTER:
"D\Software\SharepointServer2010\setup.exe" /config

 Installation takes approximately 7-10 minutes. A progress bar is displayed.
In a production environment in which you have configured the DisplayLevel value to "none," you can monitor the progress of the Sharepoint installation using any of these methods:
  • Click Statrt, then type %temp% and then press ENTER. Ope the log named Sharepoint Server Setup*.log
  • Open Task Manager, and then monitor processes including msiexec.exe, setup.exe, mscorsvw.exe, and psconfigui.exe. 

9. On the Run Configuration Wizard page, clear the Run the Sharepoint Products Configuration Wizard now check box.
10. Click Close.

Run the Sharepoint Products Configuration Wizard

1. Click Start,  click All programs, click Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Products, and then click Sharepoint 2010 products Configuration Wizard.
The User  Account Control dialog box appears.
2. Click Yes.
After a few minutes, the Sharepoint Products Configuration Wizard appears.
3. On the Welcome to Sharepoint Products page, click Next.
A message appears to inform you that services may have to be started or reset.
4. Click Yes.
 5. On the Connect to a server farm page, click Create a new server farm,  and then click Next.
6. In the Database server box, type SP2010-WFE1
7. In the Username box, type CONTOSO\SP_Farm.
8.In the Password box, type [yourownpassword].
9. Click Next.
10. On the Specify Farm Security Settings page, type [your farm page] in the Passphrase and Confirm passphrase boxes, and then click Next.
11. On the Configure Sharepoint Central Administration Web Application page, select the Specify port number check box.
12. In the Specify port number box, type [port number 9999], and hten click Next.
13. On the Completing the Sharepoint Products Configuration Wizard page, click Next.
The Configuring Sharepoint Products page indicate the progress of configuration, which takes approximately five minutes.
14. On the Configuration Sucessfull page, click Finish.
Windows Internet Explorer appears and opens the Help Make Sharepoint BEtter page. This is the Customer Experience Improvement survey page of the Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration website.
15. Click Yes, I am willing to participate (Recommended)
16. Click OK.

Perform a scripted configuration of Sharepoint Server

1. In the task bar, hold the SHIFT key and right-click Windows Powershell, and then click Run as Administrator.
The User Account Control dialog box appears.
2. Click Yes.
3. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
The Windws Powershell Credential request dialog box appears to prompt you for the credentials of the CONTOSO\SP_Farm account.
4. In the Password box, type [SP_Admin password], and then press ENTER.
A prompt appears to enter the farm passphrase.
5. Type [yourfarmpage], and then press ENTER.
After a few moments, configuration status will be displayed. Configuration proceeds for 7-10 minutes. The following warning is expected during the configuration of Sharepoint:
  • The local farm is not accessible. Cmdlets with Featuredependencyld are not registered. the local farm does not yet exist. It will be created by the configuration script.
You can monitor the progress of the Sharepoint Installation by performing these steps.
     a. Open Task Manager, click the Processes tab, and then select the Show processes from all users check box.
    b. Monitor processes including pwoershell.exe, sqlservr.exe, owstimer.exe
6. When prompted Press Enter to exit, press ENTER.
7. Close Windows Powershell.

Configuring the Farm with the Farm Configuration Wizard
Run the Farm Configuration Wizard. 

1. Start Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration. 
    a. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Products, and then click Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration. 
  A User Account Control message appears.
  2. Click Yes.
After a few moments, Central Administration opens.
3. In the Central Administration Quick Launch, click Configuration Wizards.
4. In the Farm Configuration section, click Launch the Farm Configuration Wizard
5. On the Configure your Sharepoint farm page, click Start the Wizard.
6. In the Service Account section, click Create a new managed account.
7. In the User name box, type CONTOSO\SP_ServiceApps
8. In the Password box, type [spadminpassword]
9. In the Services section, observe the list of service applications that will be created by the Farm Configuration Wizard.
10. Clear the User Profile Service Application check box.
11. Click Next.
Farm Service applications are created and started. This takes several minutes. Optionally, you can open SQL Server Manager Studio and refresh the view of the Databases node no monitor the creation of service application databases. When the configuration is completed, the  Create Site Collection page opens.

12. On the Create Site Collection page, click Skip.

You will create an intranet in the following steps.

13. On the Initial Farm Configuration Wizard page, click Finish.

Installing a Language Pack

Install the French language pack

1. Double-click D:\Software\SharepointLanguagePackFR\SeverLanguagepack.exe
The User Account Control dialog box appears.
2. Click Yes.
3. Select the J'accepte les termes de ce contrat check box.
4. Click Continuer.
The language pack installs
5. On the Executer l'Assistant Configuration page, clear the Executer l'Assistant Configuraton des prodults Sharepoint check box.
6. Click Fermer.

Complete the configuration of the language pack

1. Click Start, then click All programs, then click Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 products, and then click Sharepoint 2010 products Configuration Wizard
The User Account Control dialog box appears.
2. Click Yes.
After a few minutes, the Sharepoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard appears.
3. On the Welcome to Sharepoint Products page, click Next.
A message appears to inform you that services may have to be started or reset.
4. Click Yes.
The farm is configured
5. On the Configuration Successful page click Finish
Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration opens.

 Validate the Installation of the language pack

 1. In Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration, in the Quick Launch, click System Settings.
 2. In the Servers section, click Manage servers in this farm.
 The Servers in Farm page appears.
 3. Confirm that SP2010-WFE1 has the Language Pack for Sharepoint, Project Server, Office Web Apps 2010 - French/Francais installed.

1 comment:

  1. Check the Information about how to prepare for installation, step-by-step installation instructions, post-installation configuration steps, and upgrade information of SharePoint 2013 on https://www.cloudappsportal.com/
