Monitoring and Optimizing Sharepoint Performance

A. Configuring Sharepoint Monitoring
B. Analyzing Sharepoint Health - Configuring Health Analyzer Rules
C. Reporting Sharepoint Usage

A. Configuring Sharepoint Monitoring

A. 1. Configuring Sharepoint Diagnostic Logging
A. 1. 1. Configure diagnostic logging

  1. Log on to SP2010-WFE1 as SP_Admin with its password.
  2. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Products, then click Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration.
    The User Account Control dialog appears.
  3. Click YES.
  4. In the Quick Launch, click Monitoring.
  5. In the Reporting section, click Configure diagnostic logging.

    The Diagnostic Logging page opens.
  6. In the Event Throttling section, observe the Category list.

    This is the list of event categories, each of which can be configured independently for a desired level of detail.
  7. Select the ALL Categories option.
  8. In the Least Critical event to report to the event log, select Verbose.
  9. In the Least critical event to report to the trace log, select Verbose.

    Note: it is not recommended you configure a trace log level of Verbose in a production environment.
  10. In the Event Log Flood Protection section, select the Enable Event Log Flood Protection option.
  11. In the Trace Log section, select the Restrict Trace Log disk space usage option.
  12. In the Maximum storage space for Trace Logs (GB) box, type 10, and then click OK.
A. 1. 2. Review a log file

  1. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extentions\14\logs folder.
  2. Click the Date modified column to sort the files so that the newest files are listed first.
  3. Open the most recently modified log (*.log) file.
  4. Examine the log. Observe the number of events that are logged in just a few seconds.
  5. Close the log.
  6. Close the Windows Explorer window that displays the Logs folder.
B. Analyzing Sharepoint Health -  
B. 1. Configuring Health Analyzer Rules
B. 1. 1.  Review Health Analyzer Problems.
  1. Open Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration

    The User Account Control dialog appears.
  2. Click Yes.
  3. In the Quick Launch, click Monitoring.
  4. In the Health Analyzer section, click Review problems and solutions.
    The Review problems and solutions page  opens.
  5. Observe the list of reported problems
B. 1. 2. Configure Health Analyzer rule definitions.
  1. In the Quick Launch, click Monitoring.
  2. In the Health Analyzer section, click Review rule definitions.
    The Health Analyzer Rule Definitions page opens.
  3. Observe the four categories of rules:
    • Security - 4 rules
    • Performance - 17 rules
    • Configuration - 30 rules
    • Availability - 13 rules

    Tip: The list of rules is paged. Click the Next Page button, displayed as a right-pointing arrow below the list, to see additional rules.

  4. In the Availability section, click Some content databases are growing too large.
    The Health Analyzer Rule definitions page opens.
  5. Click Edit Item.
  6. Observe that you can change the following attributes of the rule, but do not make any changes at this time.
    • Title
    • Scope
    • Schedule
    • Enabled
    • Repair Automatically
    • Version
  7. Change the Schedule to Daily.
  8. Click Save.
B. 1. 3. Run a Health Analyzer rule
  1. In the Availability section, click Some content databases are growing too large.
  2. Click Run Now.
  3. Click Close.
  4. At the bottom of the list of rules, click the previous page link, which is desiplayed as a left-pointing arrow.
  5. In the Configuration section, click One or more categories are configured with Verbose trace logging.
  6. Click Run Now.
  7. Click Close.
B. 2. Configuring Health Analyzer RulesB. 2. 1. Review Health Analyzer problems

  1. In the Quick Launch, click Monitoring.
  2. In the Health Analyzer section, click Review problems and solutions.
    The Review Problems And Solutions page opens.
  3. In the Configuration section, observe that a new problem is reported: One or more categories are configured with Verbose trace logging.
    The problem details page opens.
  4. Examine the information on the problem details page.
  5. Click Reanalyze Now.
  6. Click Close
  7. Press F5 to refresh the view of the page. Observe the Modified column for the problem. Repeat this step until the Modified column indicates that the rule was analyzed.
B. 2. 2. Repair Health Analyzer problems
  1. Click One or more categories are configured with Verbose trace logging.
  2. Click Repair automatically
  3. Click Close
  4. Press F5 to refresh the view of the page. Repeat this step until the problem report disappears.
B. 2. 3. Validate the Health Analyzer solution
  1. In the Quick Launch, click Monitoring.
  2. In the Reporting section, click Configure diagnostic logging.
    The Diagnostic Logging page opens.
  3. Select the All Categories option.
  4. Observe that the two lists, Least critical event to report to the event log and Least critical event to report to the trace log, are reset. They no longer are set to Verbose.
  5. In the Least critical event to report to the event log list, select Error.
  6. In the Least critical event to report to the trace log list, select Unexpected, and then click OK.
  7. In the Health Analyzer section, click Review Rule definitions.
    The Health Analyzer Rule Definitions page opens.
  8. In the Configuration section, click One or more categories are configured with Verbose trace logging.
  9. Click Run Now.
  10. Click Close
  11. In the Quick Launch, click Monitoring.
  12. In the Health Analyzer section, click Review problems and solutions.
    The Review Problems and Solutions page opens.
  13. Confirm that the report does not include the problem One or more categories are configured with Verbose trace logging.
  14. Close all open applications and windows.